Every February 14th is globally referred to and celebrated as St. Valentine or Lovers Day.
St. Valentine’s Day or Lovers Day is a day when people show their affections to others by sending cards, flowers, gifts and messages of love.
The origin of the celebration could be traced to the Rev Fr. Valentine who was executed over a thousand years ago.

St. Valentine was a Roman priest who helped lovers get married during the reign of Emperor Claudius despite Government’s objection to such action and was consequently executed for going against the wish of the Emperor in getting young soldiers married.
According to the story, while in jail and awaiting his execution, St. Valentine met with the blind daughter of his jailor whom he healed with a prayer and before his execution, he sent to her a message and signed “from your Valentine”, a phrase that is popularly used globally on Valentine’s Day.
Also there are added inscriptions used today like “I Care for you, Happy Val to you, You and I forever, Share my love, with all my love” among others.
Until the 19th century, the significance of St. Valentine day was limited to romantic couples but has now been extended to celebrating beautiful human relationships including friends, parents, siblings, teachers and anyone considered to be special.
St. Valentine was known for his compassionate life and the Catholic Church uses this day to celebrate a priest that sacrifices for humanity.
To celebrate this day, many schools organize programmes like get together, Seminars, talk shows while churches, NGOs set up events to sensitize the youths in particular who now engage in immorality just to observe the day.
Truly, expression of love is continuous and it behoves on everyone to celebrate with agape love and shun immorality to really immortalize St Valentine.